Maruti has finally launched its latest midsize SUV offering, the Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara, two months after it was unveiled in the Indian market. Prices for the Grand Vitara start at Rs 10.45 and go all the way up to Rs Rs 19.49 lakh for the strong hybrid e-CVT variant. Earlier this month, Vitara’s Toyota counterpart, the Urban Cruiser HyRyder was launched at Rs 15.11 lakh.Â
Maruti has already received 55,000 bookings for the Grand Vitara and the waiting period is expected to be almost six months. The SUV has been made available in six trims: Sigma, Delta, Zeta, Alpha, Zeta+, and Alpha+. The Zeta+ and Alpha+ are strong hybrid variants and will be available in dual-tone colour options along with the Alpha variant.Â
The SUV will be exclusively sold through Nexa dealerships and can be owned through Maruti Suzuki Subscribe with a starting subscription fee of Rs 27,000. Maruti is also offering a special introductory package for the strong hybrid Zeta+ and Alpha+ variants, which includes an extended warranty of 5 years/1,00,000km (whichever comes first) and a Nexa accessory pack that costs over Rs 67,000.
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Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara: What’s on offer?
The front end of the Grand Vitara gets LED headlamps with integrated DRLs in a three-dot pattern, similar to the new Baleno. The two DRLs are separated by a chrome bar which comes studded with a Suzuki logo. The new grille gives a menacing look to the SUV and comes with chrome and piano black inserts.
Along the sides, the Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara shares some features with its Toyota counterpart, the HyRyder. The two SUVs have been produced under a joint collaboration between Maruti Suzuki and Toyota so it is no surprise that they share some design elements.
Inside, the Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara gets a 9.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system, a fully digital instrument cluster, a 360-degree camera, and a Head Up Display (HUD). it also gets a panoramic sunroof, making it the first Maruti vehicle in India with that installation. The SUV shares some features with its Toyota cousin like the HVAC controls, cooling vents, steering design, and control switches.
The most talked about feature of the Grand Vitara is its engine. It will share its hybrid powertrain with the HyRyder. Maruti’s latest SUV will come in two engine variants – a 1.5-litre K15C petrol engine with mild hybrid technology and Toyota’s 1.5-litre TNGA petrol engine with strong hybrid system. A 5-speed manual and a 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission will be offered with the new Vitara. The 1.5-litre K15C petrol engine generates a maximum power of 103hp with 137Nm peak torque. Meanwhile, the 1.5-litre TNGA petrol engine generates 92hp of power with a peak torque of 122Nm. This, coupled with the electric motor in the strong hybrid variant, generates a combined power of 115hp. The electric motor alone produces a maximum power of 80hp with 141Nm peak torque.
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Here is the detailed price list for the Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara.
Trims | Mild-Hybrid MT | Mild-Hybrid AT | Mild-Hybrid MT AWD | Strong-Hybrid e-CVT |
Sigma | Rs 10.45 lakh | – | – | – |
Delta | Rs 11.90 lakh | Rs 13.40 lakh | – | – |
Zeta | Rs 13.89 lakh | Rs 15.39 lakh | – | – |
Alpha | Rs 15.39 lakh | Rs 16.89 lakh | Rs 16.89 lakh | – |
Zeta+ | – | – | – | Rs 17.99 lakh |
Alpha+ | – | – | – | Rs 10.49 lakh |
The strong hybrid variants of Grand Vitara cost Rs 50,000 than that of HyRyder’s, while the mild-hybrid variants are Rs 20,000 cheaper. The Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara will rival Hyundai Creta, Kia Seltos, Volkswagen Taigun, Skoda Kushaq, and Toyota Urban Cruiser HyRyder.
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