Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India has launched the new Honda Dio H-Smart at Rs 77,712. The H-Smart variant will sit at the top of the Dio lineup. Earlier this year, Honda introduced the Activa H-Smart at Rs 80,537. The automaker has also revised the pricing of the regular Dio models after making the scooters OBD-2 compliant.
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Honda Dio H-Smart: Pricing and features
Priced at Rs 77,712, Honda Dio H-Smart is currently the most expensive Dio variant on the market. The standard and DLX models are priced at Rs 70,211 and Rs 74,212 respectively. These are the revised prices following the price hike of Rs 1,586 on either model. The prices of both models were hiked after they were made OBD-2 compliant.
Honda has not listed any specs or details for the H-Smart variant of Dio. However, it is expected to get the same features as Activa H-Smart. This means Honda Dio H-Smart will get features like keyless entry, theft prevention, scooter location and more. The H-Smart variant will also get new alloy wheels. Other than that, no other cosmetic changes are expected on the H-Smart variant.
The new ‘Honda Smart Key’ brings a lot of interesting new features to Honda Dio H-Smart. Using this key, riders can unlock their scooter without using the physical key. If no activity is detected 20 seconds after using Smart Unlock, the scooter will get locked again. The handlebar as well as the under-seat storage and fuel filler cap and be unlocked using this mechanism.
The SmartFind feature allows riders to locate their scooters by having it flash all of its indicators at once. This comes in handy in large parking spaces. If you forgot where you parked your Honda Dio, all you need to do is turn on SmartFind and the scooter will flash its lights for you. The SmartStart feature allows you to start the scooter without inserting the physical key.
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There are no mechanical changes on Honda Dio H-Smart. The scooter continues to be powered by the 109cc air-cooled single-cylinder engine that puts out 7.8hp and 9Nm. The scooter rivals the likes of Hero Pleasure+, TVS Scooty Zest 110, TVS Jupiter 110, and Honda Activa.
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