As automakers are rolling out festive discounts throughout the month of October, Maruti has also stepped in, offering discounts of up to Rs 30,000 on Maruti Suzuki Ignis, Baleno and Ciaz. The discounts come in the form of exchange bonuses, corporate benefits, and cash discounts. The discounts will be available throughout the month of October. No discounts have been offered on the XL6 and the newly launched Grand Vitara.
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Maruti Suzuki Ignis
Total Discount: Rs 30,000
Manual variants of Maruti Ignis get a cash discount of Rs 10,000 along with a Rs 15,000 exchange bonus and Rs 5,000 in corporate benefits. Total discount on the automatic variants has been capped at Rs 20,000 with no option of the Rs 10,000 cash discount.Â
Maruti Suzuki Ignis comes with a 1.2-litre petrol engine that produces a maximum power of 83hp. This engine can be mated to a 5-speed manual or automatic transmission. Maruti Suzuki Ingis rivals the Citroen C3 in the market.
Maruti Suzuki BalenoÂ
Total Discount: Rs 5,000
Maruti Suzuki Baleno gets only Rs 5,000 off in an upfront cash discount. The hatchback was updated earlier this year. Baleno features an Advanced 1.2-litre K Series petrol engine and comes in a 5-speed manual and automatic option. Other features include a Heads Up Display (HUD), a touchscreen SmartPlay Pro+ infotainment system with Surround Sense and more.
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz
Total Discount: Rs 30,000
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz gets a total discount of Rs 30,000 with Rs 25,000 in exchange bonuses and a Rs 5,000 corporate discount. These discounts have been made standard for all automatic and manual variants of the sedan. Maruti Suzuki Ciaz is equipped with a 1.5-litre petrol engine that produces a maximum power of 105hp. This engine can be mated with a 5-speed manual or 4-speed automatic transmission. Maruti Suzuki competes against Hyundai Verna, Honda City, Skoda Slavia, and Volkswagen Virtus.
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As mentioned earlier, these discounts will be made available throughout the month of October. Discounts may vary depending on the variant and the region. The corporate discounts on offer are available for Maruti’s approved list of corporates and public sector undertakings.
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