The new Audi Q3 Sportback has been launched in India at a price of Rs 51.43 lakh. The ‘Sportback’ variant is based on the top-spec trim of the SUV and comes with several cosmetic and design changes, giving the SUV a coupe-like look. Audi Q3 was launched in August 2022 at a starting price of Rs 44.89 lakh. The top-spec trim of the SUV that the Sportback variant is based on is currently priced at Rs 50.39 lakh. Audi started accepting bookings for the Q3 Sportback earlier this month at a token amount of Rs 2 lakh.
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Audi Q3 Sportback: What’s on offer?
The Audi Q3 Sportback variant comes with a bunch of design and cosmetic changes that distinguish it from the rest of the Q3 lineup. The Sportback features a sloping roofline, giving it a coupe-like look. The air intakes have also been redesigned to a more triangular look. The slatted pattern on the front hexagonal grille has been replaced by a honeycomb pattern. The coupe SUV rests on 10-spoke, 18-inch alloy wheels. In terms of dimensions, the Audi Q3 Sportback is 36mm longer, 6mm narrower, and 49mm shorter than the Q3. The Sportback variant stands at 4,518 x 1,843 x 1,558mm.
Things remain the same under the hood as the Audi Q3 Sportback continues to be offered with the 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbo petrol engine found on the Q3. This engine unit produces a maximum power of 190hp and 320Nm peak torque and is mated to a 7-speed DCT gearbox that channels the power to all four wheels. The SUV can go from 0-100kmph in 7.3 seconds. There is no diesel engine option for the Sportback variant either.
The interior layout remains the same for Audi Q3 Sportback, which isn’t a surprise as the Q3 underwent some radical design changes on the inside. In terms of features, the Audi Q3 gets a 10.1-inch touchscreen infotainment system, an all-digital instrument cluster, a 10-speaker audio system, wireless charging, a panoramic sunroof, climate control, and more.Â
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The new Audi Q3 Sportback is available in five colour options – Glacier White, Turbo Blue, Mythos Black, Navarra Blue, and Chronos Grey. Audi is also offering a 5-year warranty for a limited period of time. The coupe SUV will rival the likes of Mercedes-Benz GLA, BMW X1, and Volvo XC40.
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