Tata Motors has announced discounts of up to Rs 48,000 on Tata Tigor, Tiago, Altroz, Harrier and Safari. The CNG variants of Tigor and Tiago also get a price cut. The discounts come in the form of consumer schemes, exchange bonuses, and corporate benefits. The recently launched Altroz CNG will not receive any discounts. Tata’s EV portfolio has not received any discount offers either.Â
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Table of Contents
Tata Tiago
Maximum Discount: Rs 45,000
Petrol variants of Tiago get a total price cut of Rs 45,000. The petrol variant gets Rs 35,000 off. This includes a cash discount of Rs 20,000, an exchange bonus worth Rs 10,000, and a corporate discount of Rs 5,000. Tiago CNG gets a total discount of Rs 45,000, with an additional Rs 10,000 cash discount. Powering the Tiago is a 1.2-litre petrol engine that puts out 86hp. Buyers also get the option of a 5-speed manual or automatic gearbox on.
Tata Tigor
Maximum Discount: Rs 50,000
The CNG models of Tata Tigor get a maximum discount of Rs 50,000. This includes Rs 35,000 in cash discounts, exchange bonuses worth Rs 10,000, and a corporate discount of Rs 5,000. The petrol variant gets similar discounts as well. Tata Tigor is powered by the same engine as Tiago. The compact sedan rivals the popular Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire.
Tata Altroz
Maximum Discount: Rs 28,000
The petrol variants of the Altroz get Rs 23,000 off while the diesel variants get a total discount worth Rs 28,000. The CNG variants of the hatchback do not get any discount offers. Tata Altroz is one of the most mechanically versatile cars produced by Tata, with diesel, petrol, and CNG powertrain options.
Tata Harrier and Safari
Maximum Discount: Rs 35,000
Tata Harrier and Safari get similar discounts. Customers can avail a total discount of Rs 35,000 on both SUVs. Tata Harrier and Tata Safari are powered by the same engine and underpinned by the same platform. The 2.0-litre diesel engine churns out a maximum power of 170hp and 350Nm peak torque.
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These discounts have been made available throughout the month of July, but the amount may vary across different dealerships. Tata Motors hit the 5 million production landmark in March 2023. Earlier this year, the automaker launched Red Dark Editions for Harrier, Nexon, and Safari.
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