Audi Q8 e-tron has been launched in India at a starting price of Rs 1.14 crore. The Sportback 55 variant is the priciest out of the entire Q8 range, fetching Rs 1.30 crore. Bookings for the Q8 were opened last week at a token amount of Rs 5 lakh. The Q8 is available in two trims – 50 and 55. The SUV also gets Sportback variants for both trims.
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Audi Q8 e-tron: Everything you need to know
Here is what the price list for the Audi Q8 e-tron looks like.
Variant | Price |
50 | Rs 1.14 crore |
55 | Rs 1.26 crore |
Sportback 50 | Rs 1.18 crore |
Sportback 55 | Rs 1.30 crore |
The new Audi Q8 e-tron gets its biggest change under the hood. Both trims get a dual-motor configuration and updated battery specs. The ‘50’ trim produces a maximum power output of 340hp and 640Nm of torque. The 95kWh battery offers a driving range of 491km. The Sportback 50 variant delivers a driving range of 505km.
Audi Q8 e-tron 55 generates a maximum power output of 408hp and 664Nm of torque. The 114kWh battery pack on this trim offers a driving range of 582km. The Sportback 55 variant can go for 600km on a fully charged battery. Both trims get a charging port on either side. They also have support for 170kW DC fast charging. Buyers also get a 22kW AC home charger along with the SUV.
In terms of features, the Audi Q8 e-tron gets a 10.1-inch infotainment system and an 8.6-inch display with HVAC controls. It also gets powered front seats with massage and temperature control features, a Bang and Olufsen speaker system, four-zone climate control, TPMS, a 360-degree camera, a panoramic sunroof, and more.
Mr Balbir Singh Dhillon, Head of Audi India said, “Today, we take another step forward in our journey of electric mobility and we could not be happier to launch these beautiful electric cars. The larger battery packs not only bring in added range but also enhance the value proposition of the models. The refreshed styling complements the engineering enhancements and is sure to wow. The Audi Q8 e-tron is at the heart of our electric mobility strategy and gives us a strong base to build upon as we journey towards electrifying our line-up. With the addition of the new Audi Q8 e-tron and the Audi Q8 Sportback e-tron; we now have the widest EV portfolio in the segment.”
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As mentioned earlier, buyers can book the 2023 Audi Q8 e-tron for a token amount of Rs 5 lakh. The luxury SUV rivals Jaguar iPace (priced Rs 1.20 crore) and BMW iX (priced Rs 1.21 crore) in India. Audi’s EV portfolio in India now consists of Audi Q8 e-tron, Audi Q8 e-tron Sportback, Audi e-tron GT, and Audi RS e-tron GT.
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