Prices for the entry-level diesel variant of Mahindra Thar 2WD have been hiked by Rs 50,000. The price hike is currently only applicable on the 1.5-litre diesel MT LX trim, which was previously available at Rs 10.99 lakh. The 2WD Thar range still starts at Rs 9.99 lakh. The 2WD variants of Thar were launched in January and Prices for the entry-level diesel variant of Mahindra Thar 2WD have been hiked by Rs 50,000.
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Mahindra Thar 2WD: New Prices
The entry-level 1.5-litre diesel MT AX(O) trim of the Mahindra Thar 2WD is still priced at Rs 9.99 lakh. Buyers can expect this entry-level variant to undergo a price hike once the introductory offer ends. The 1.5-litre diesel MT LX trim is now priced at Rs 11.49 lakh, which is a Rs 50,000 hike from Rs 10.99 lakh. Prices for the 2.0-litre petrol AT LX trim still remain at Rs 13.49 lakh.
The 1.5-diesel engine on the 2WD Thar produces a maximum power output of 118.5hp and 300Nm peak torque. This engine is also found on Mahindra Marazzo. The 2.0-litre turbo petrol unit, which is also found in the Thar 4WD, produces a maximum power output of 152hp and 320Nm torque. All 2WD variants of the Thar come with six-speed manual transmission only.
There are no major inside the lifestyle SUV. The 2WD Thar misses out on the 4×4 gear selector and gets some additional storage space in its place. Apart from that, it gets the auto start/stop function and a lock/unlock button. The 7.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay has been retained.
The low-spec AX (O) variant gets 16-inch alloys instead of 17-inch alloy wheels. Mahindra has also stripped this affordable variant of the 7-inch touchscreen infotainment system, in-built speakers, TPMS, cruise control, and steering-mounted controls.Â
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The introductory price of Rs 9.99 lakh is available for the first 10,000 bookings only. While the Thar 2WD does not have any direct price rivals, it still locks horns with other lifestyle SUVs like Force Gurkha and Maruti Suzuki Jimny.
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