Lamborghini Urus S has been launched in India at a price of Rs 4.18 crore. This is the second model in the Urus lineup that has been launched in India. Lamborghini Urus Performante is priced at Rs 4.22 crore. The Urus was unveiled as a concept back in 2012 at the Beijing Auto Show. The luxury car was launched in 2018 and has since sold over 20,000 units.
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Lamborghini Urus S: Everything you need to know
Lamborghini Urus S is more focused on luxury and customisation, in comparison to the Performante. While the design mostly remains the same, the Urus S gets some unique modifications. The design of the front and rear bumpers has been tweaked and the bonnet gets a single-tone colour.
The interior layout has been largely retained too, but buyers get more personalisation options on Lamborghini Urus S. Customers can choose from different materials & colours, and even decide on finer elements like the kind of stitching used on the upholstery. These options have been available through Lamborghini’s Ad Personam program.
Under the hood, the Lamborghini Urus S retains the same engine as the Performante. The 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8 engine produces a maximum power output of 666hp, which is 16hp more than its predecessor. It also offers a peak torque of 850Nm. The Urus S can go from 0-100 Kmph in just 3.3 seconds and can reach a top speed of 303 kmph. Unlike, the Performante, Urus S gets an air suspension instead of the fixed coil springs.
The spring coil setup on the Performante was the reason why it missed out on a few drive modes. These drive modes are available on Lamborghini Urus S. The luxury automobile gets all the off-road modes – Savia (Sand), Neve (Snow), and Terra (Mud). On top of that, it also gets the Strada (Street), Sport, and Corsa (track) modes.
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The Lamborghini Urus S costs Rs 4.18 crore in India. With this price tag, the Urus S rivals the likes of Audi RSQ8, Aston Martin DX 707, Porsche Cayenne Turbo GT, Maserati Levante Trofeo, and Ferrari Purosangue.
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