Citroen C3 Aircross SUV was launched in India last month at a starting price of Rs 9.99 lakh. At the time of launch, the automaker had only revealed the prices for the entry-level ‘You’ trim. Citroen has now revealed the prices for the mid and top-spec ‘Plus’ & ‘Max’ trims as well. These trims are available in 5 and 7-seat configuration options as opposed to the You trim which is limited to being a 5-seater.
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Citroen C3 Aircross: Check out the full pricelist
Citroen’s debut midsize SUV in India is priced quite attractively. Here are the prices for all variants of the Citroen C3 Aircross.
Trim | Price |
You 5-seat | Rs 9.99 lakh |
Plus 5-seat | Rs 11.34 lakh |
Plus 7-seat | Rs 11.69 lakh |
Max 5-seat | Rs 11.99 lakh |
Max 7-seat | Rs 12.34 lakh |
The dual-tone paint scheme on the Plus and Max trim will cost Rs 20,000 more. Citroen’s ‘Vibe Pack’ has also been made available for the Plus and Max trims of the C3 Aircross, demanding a premium of Rs 25,000 and Rs 22,000 respectively.
The top-spec Max trim of the Citroen C3 Aircross gets a 10.2-inch touchscreen infotainment system, a 7.0-inch digital instrument cluster, a reverse camera, roof-mounted AC vents for the second and third seating row, and more. The entry-level ‘You’ trim misses out on these features. However, all three trims get safety features like two airbags, ABS, ESC, TPMS, and hill-hold assist as standard.
Powering the Citroen C3 Aircross is a 1.2-litre three-cylinder turbo petrol engine. This engine generates a maximum power output of 110hp and 190Nm of torque. It is mated to a 6-speed manual transmission. The midsize SUV offers a mileage of 18.5kmpl.
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Citroen is offering the C3 Aircross with a standard 2-year/40,000km warranty (whichever comes first). The automaker has also included roadside assistance with the warranty package. Buyers can also make use of Citroen’s ‘Buy Now, Pay in 2024’ scheme which allows them to begin their EMI payments from next year. In India, Citroen C3 Aircross rivals the likes of the Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara, Toyota Urban Cruiser HyRyder, Kia Seltos, Hyundai Creta, Volkswagen Taigun, and Skoda Kushaq.
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